Contact Us at HHT Ireland
My name is Dara Woods, mother of Paul Woods who died Aged 22yrs June 2012 due to complications of his condition – HHT.
Together we, his parents & sister have set up a new charity – HHT Ireland.
We hope this website will give you plenty of information on this rare disorder.
We welcome your feedback and family stories. So please feel free to contact me – see form to the right.
Or email me directly to
You can also find our Facebook Open Page HHT IRELAND or join our Closed group HHT IN IRELAND.
All communication is greatly welcomed! This website is for you & your family, so please let me know what is on your mind. Any questions, ideas, tips etc will be so very much appreciated.
You can also contact Margaret Murphy at the HHT Specialist Centre, Cork by emailing
Best wishes,
Dara Woods. Telephone: 083 4222302