HHT International Guidelines 
The 2nd HHT International Guidelines were published in September 2020.
Always ensure your HHT specialist is aware of these Guidelines at your first consultation.
The Guidelines were developed by an international panel of HHT experts and patients, providing new evidence-based consensus recommendations in six priority topic areas: Epistaxis, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Anaemia & Iron Deficiency, Liver VMs, Paediatric Care, Pregnancy & Delivery. The 2020 Guidelines add to the First International HHT Guidelines published in 2009, most notably in areas that were not re-assessed in 2020: HHT Diagnosis, Brain VMs and Pulmonary AVMs. The HHT Guidelines recommendations should facilitate the implementation of key components of HHT (Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia) care into clinical practise.
HHT International Guidelines – HERE