HHT Specialists in Ireland
One of the many problems HHT patients encounter is finding a specialist to deal with our issues. We require someone who recognises and has studied our disorder – HHT.
The following information has been given to us from our network of HHT patients and we hope you may be able to find an HHT specialist to help you with your HHT issues.
Please feel free to contact us with any new names of HHT specialists in Ireland which you’re happy to recommend and we will add to this page.
ENT Specialists
ENT | |||||
Amin | Mohammed | Consultant ENT | Consultant ENT Mater, Dublin | mohamin@rcsi.com | 01/8032000 |
Choo | Marcus | Consultant ENT | Sligo | marcusechoo@gmail.com | 719110161 |
Considine | Niall | Otolarynologist | Sligo | Sec=Joanne | 719162649 |
Gaffney | Robert | Consultant ENT | Beaumont | 01/8571998 | |
ODriscoll | Kieran | Consultant ENT | Tullamore Hospital | 057/9324870 | |
Patil | Nash | Consultant ENT | Sligo | naishadh.patil@hse.ie | 719174628 |
Russell | John | Consultant ENT | Beacon Crumlin & Tallaght | 01/2135699 | |
Fennessy | Brendan | ENT surgeon | Tallaght | 01/4142083 |
Neurology Specialists
BRAIN | |||||
Caird | Mr | Neurosurgeon | Temple st Dublin | ||
Javadpour | Mohsen | Brain | Consultant Neurosurgeon Beaumont | javadpourrooms@beaumont.ie | |
Moore | Helena | Consultant Neurologist | Bons Secours Tralee | 66/7149800 | |
Salem | Dr | Brain | Bons Secours Hospital Galway | ||
Orourke | Declan | Cons Paediatric Neurologist | Temple st Dublin | ||
Widdess-Walsh | Peter | Cons Neurologist | Beaumont Dublin9 | neurologyadmin@beaumont.ie | 01-7974625 |
Kelly | Prof Peter | Prof of Neurology | Mater Hospital, Dublin | neurology@mater.ie | (01) 854 5046 |
Haematology Specialists
Gilmore | Ruth | Consultant Haematologist | Uni Hosp Galway | ruth.gilmore@hse.ie | 91893821 |
Kevane | Barry | Haematologist | St James Hosp, Dublin | barrykevane@mater.ie | |
Morrell | Ruth | Consultant Haematologist | University Hosp, Letterkenny | ruth.morrell@hse.ie | 749123560 |
Nolan | Beatrice | Haematology | Our Lady’s Hosp, Crumlin | (01) 409 6100 | |
OKeeffe | Denis | Haematologist | University Hospital, Limerick | 061 301 111 | |
Ryan | Kevin | Consultant Haematologist | St James Hospital, Dublin | (01) 410 3516 | |
OConnell | Niamh | Consultant Haematologist | St James Hospital, Dublin | ncc@stjames.ie | (01) 416 2141 |
Fadalla | Dr Kamal | Consultant Haematologist |
St Vincents Private, Dublin 4 |
suite8@svcpc.ie | 012614060 |
Pulmonary Specialists
LUNGS | |||||
Brady | Adrian | Consultant Radiologist | Mercy hosp, Cork | abrady@muh.ie | 86/2629896 |
Power | Stephen | Consultant Radiologist | Cork University Hosp, Cork | ||
Gaine | Prof Sean | Cons Respiratory Phyisican | Mater | sgaine@mater.ie | 01 854 5292 |
McNally | Prof Paul | Paediatric Respiratory | Beacon Hosp, Dublin | beaconforkidsopd@beaconhospital.ie | 01 650 4665 |
NiCronin | Muireann | Respiratory specialist- paediatric consultant | Cork University Hospital | 021/4922496 | |
McElvaney | Prof Noel | Respiratory specialist | Beaumont Hosp Dublin | 01 809 3764 | |
Lee | Prof Michael | Intervention Radiologist | Beaumont Hosp Dublin | (01) 8092831 | |
Lane | Prof Stephen | Consultant Respiratory Physician | Tallaght University Hospital |
(01) 4144031 |
Govender | Dr Pradeep | Consultant Radiologist | Tallaght University Hospital | pradeep.govender@tuh.ie | (01) 4143740 |
Counihan | Ian | Cons Respiratory Physician | Our Lady of Lourdes hosp, Drogheda | (041) 983 7601 |
GastroEnterology Specialists
Keohane | John | Consultant Gastro-enterologist | Lourdes Hospital Drogheda | (041) 983 7601 | |
Tighe | Donal | Consultant Gastro-enterologist | Mayo University Hospital | (094) 902 1733 | |
Ryan | Barbara | Consultant Gastro-enterologist | Tallaght University Hospital &Hermitage Clinic | bryan@hermitageclinic.ie | 01/6459605 |
Cardiology Specialists
Franklin | Orla | Paediatric Cardiologist | Temple St & Crumlin Hospital, Dublin | beaconforkidsopd@beaconhospital.ie | 16504665 |
Hepatology Specialists
Hepatology (Liver) | |||||
Iqbal | Dr Masood | Consultant Hepatologist | Beacon Hospital | gimadmin@beaconhospital.ie | 01- 2239856 |
McCormick | Prof Aiden | Consultant Hepatologist | St Vincents Liver Unit | a.mccormickpractice@svph.ie | 01-2638810 |
Hoti | Prof Emir | Cons surgeon – liver & pancreas specialist | St Vincents Dublin | ehoti@svcpc.ie | 01-2614055 |
Orthopaedic Specialists
Boran | Sinead | Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon | Cork University Hospital | 21/4318292 |
Opthamology Specialists
Fenton | Sinead | Opthamologist | Cork University Hospital | 21/4941326 |
Urology Specialists
UROLOGY | |||||
Rogers | Eamonn | Urologist | Bons Secours Galway | eamonn.rogers@galwayclinic.com | 91/767416 |
Dental Specialists
Kinirons | Prof Peter | Dental Hospital | Cork University Hosp | 21/4545100 | |
Sleeman | Prof | Dental Hospital | Cork | Sec=Anne Casey | 214901194 |
Vascular Specialists
VASCULAR | |||||
Naughton | Dr Peter | Vascular & Endovascular surgeon | Beaumont Hospital, Dublin | 01 809 3816 |
OTHER | |||||
Heffernan | Anthony | Dr in Sports Medicine | Cork Road Clinic, Mallow | corkroadclinic@gmail.com | 22/21579 |
Oleary | Gerard | Head & Neck | South Infirmary, Cork | 021/4319191 | |
Stassen | Prof Leo | Oral & Maxillofacial | St James’ | 14103185 | |
Forman | Fiona | Well-being and Positive Psychology |
Keane | Fiona | Dermatologist | Bons Secours , Glasnevin D9 | fkeanerooms@bonsecours.ie |
01/8575127 |