HHT In The Media
We are available 24/7 for media interviews, comment and information.
In this section, you can find TV, Newspaper & Radio articles from those who are living with HHT.
Contact us here or at +353.83.4222302 from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm if you are interested in telling your story publicly.
Dara Woods’ interview on RTE1 – The today show with Daithi & Maura 2019
Sharon Gregg interview with BBC N/I reporter MarieLouise Connelly, 7th September, 2023.
On The Radio
Dara talks to Pat Kenny from Newstalk about life with HHT https://www.newstalk.com/podcasts/highlights-from-the-pat-kenny-show/what-is-hht-and-how-does-it-affect-you
In The Papers
Dara Woods interview with Joy Orpen HERE
Michael MacGinty’s interview with Sylvia Thompson from the Irish Times (scroll down) HERE

John McArt’s interview with Jessica Farry from Sligo Champion HERE