5 reasons why you should try telemedicine
Have you heard of telemedecine but are a bit sceptical about this new method? Perhaps you don’t dare try it but you are curious about it? This is completely understandable, given the fact that we are talking about a health professional.
While Covid 19 continues to disrupt our daily lives, new measures appeared and consequently new habits too.
In the meantime our needs haven’t disappeared, and one of the most important ones is to see a doctor when necessary.
First of all, what is it? A remote consultation is a consultation via telephone or Internet using a software, like Skype for example. You can see the professional via webcam and communicate through a microphone. When making an appointment, the Secretary will explain everything to you and guide you if necessary.
It seems that telemedicine is becoming a very popular form of communication with your Doctor. Here are 5 reasons why you should try it:
1. Better organisation
If you have very busy days with complicated schedules and/or if you have children, remote consultations save you from having to arrange childcare or leave work earlier. It is also very handy for people who are physically impaired and who cannot travel alone. Sometimes pain or disability complicates our daily activity and the possibility of consulting remotely is really helpful!
2. Longer time slots
Thanks to this method, health professionals can usually suggest longer time slots. Sometimes they consult from home and can therefore be more flexible. If you are available in the evenings or on weekends, remote consultations will be much more convenient for you than a face-to-face meeting in the doctor’s office.
3. Be comfortable and consult from anywhere
Telemedicine allows you to seek advice from wherever suits you best. Feel free to relax in your garden, lie in bed or even sit in the office. All you have to do is contact your health professional.
4. Accessibility for all
Some of us live far from public transport and visiting the doctor can be extremely awkward. The remote consultation is much more accessible than an appointment in a surgery. You can live anywhere and arrange an online consultation with your doctor (provided that he/she practices remotely, of course!)
5. Avoid any risks of contamination due to Covid-19
Of course thanks to tele-consultation, you avoid traveling, taking public transport and waiting in medical waiting rooms. You no longer have to worry about social distancing. You stay safe at home without endangering yourself or others.
A large number of consultations can be done remotely, but of course there are those which require necessary physical contact and cannot be avoided
If you have any doubts about the possibility of consulting remotely, please contact your health professional and talk to him/her about making an appointment!