HHT Ireland Comes To Donegal

St Columba’s College Raises Awareness HHT Ireland St Columbas School

We were delighted recently to accept the kind invitation of the team from Beo, Make It Rise at St Columba’s College, Stranorlar Co Donegal. The Team arranged for us to come and present a slideshow on HHT to the Transition Year students.

We  held a brief but very informative presentation on HHT, follwed by Q&A session. The students agreed the topic was very interesting and important that the word gets out to those who could be affected by HHT.

Beo, Make It Rise will be holding a fundraising event on 29th Jan 2016 and have kindly donated the proceeds on the night to HHT Ireland! We are so very grateful for their generosity and would like to wish them a fantastic night. We look forward to being with them on the night!

If you think you may be affected by HHT and would like more information, please click here 

HHT Ireland St Columbas School HHT Ireland St Columbas School