Will you give blood this year?
Ask for an original gift this Valentine’s Day!
Many HHT patients depend on blood transfusions and that is why HHT IRELAND wants to encourage people to donate blood, starting with our family members and friends.
#MyHHTValentine Campaign:
It’s a very simple campaign.
All you have to do is invite a friend/family member to donate blood whilst holding up our campaign Banner for a photo.
More details about donating:
- February 1st – 20th Make an appointment here for your blood donation. (Not always necessary)
- Print the #MyHHTValentine banner here & bring along with you.
- Tell the nurses and doctors you are taking part in this campaign for blood donation.
- Ask someone to take a picture of you holding the banner while donating blood.
- Post the picture on your Facebook and/or Twitter account.
- Don’t forget to tag the person who sent you the invite along with our HHT Ireland page – facebook.com/hhtireland
This is a standard message you can also include if you wish.
“I donated blood (for the first time) as Valentine’s day present for a friend who has HHT, a rare and generally unknown genetic condition. If you know someone who often has unexplained nosebleeds why not check out the website – www.hhtireland.org. HHT is a rare but very manageable condition – with an early diagnosis.”
Hashtag #myHHTvalentine #becomeadonor